
Title: Current Trends and Important Directions in Physical Layer Security Research

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Xiangyun Zhou from 
the Australian National University

Researchers from the wireless communications and information theory communities have made significant theoretical breakthroughs in physical layer security over the last 15 years. In this talk, we discuss some important research directions that somehow deviate from the current mainstream research. So far, the vast majority of research in this area is built on the framework of “perfect secrecy”, requiring eavesdroppers to have zero information of the transmitted message all the time or with certain probability. In this talk, we first discuss the theoretical advantage and practical need for considering “partial secrecy” with new secrecy metrics defined for wireless fading channels. To broaden our scope of communication secrecy, we next look at recent research in covert communication which hides the existence of communication rather than the content of the message. Finally, we share some thought on how physical layer security can make friends with cryptography towards a cross-layer security solution.

Short Bio of the Keynote Speaker:
Xiangyun Zhou received his PhD degree from the Australian National University in 2010. He spent one year in Norway as a postdoc researcher after graduation and then returned to Australia. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University. His research interests are in the areas of communication theory and wireless networks. In particular, he has been working on physical layer security over the last 8 years, having more than 50 publications in this area. Xiangyun currently serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Communications Letters. He also served as a Guest Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine in 2015 on the special issue of physical layer security. He received the Best Paper Award at ICC 2011 and the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award in 2016.